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The big push at the date of the latest update (3/21/2022) is that Giving Forward has deployed a philanthropic sweepstakes platform. Sweeps4aCause. It’s superior to most fundraising landing pages for any cause because non-donors might donate if there is a sweepstakes, and lapsed donors might be encouraged to give again.


Before Giving Forward, and its brands: GoodBuzz.org and SweepsForACause, there was We-Care, a for-profit cause marketing company which generated $8.3 Million in revenue for nonprofits with it’s eCommerce-driven cause marketing platform..

2007: Kevin Lee and David Pasternack co-founders of Didit launch We-Care.com a for-profit eCommerce cause marketing platform. We-Care’s “Shop with Purpose” platform in partnership with Amazon and 1700+ other merchants using the affiliate marketing platforms as the foundation to the technology.

2012: The We-Care platform generates over $7 million dollars in cause marketing donations to the nonprofits selected by We-Care membership, Amazon, We-Care’s largest merchant partner requests an A/B split test to quantify the changes in consumer behavior as a result of the shopper’s favorite cause benefiting from a transaction. Shortly after presenting VERY positive results, Amazon modifies the associate program TOS to prohibit We-Care’s technology and alerts the We-Care management of that fact, effectively terminating the relationship.

2013: Amazon launches SMILE. Coincidence? The We-Care team was disappointed and proud at the same time and likes to think of the We-Care platform as having “inspired” SMILE or at the very least provided the data to validate the business model.

2018: Seeking to apply the cause marketing model to online publishing, Kevin Lee, Dave Pasternack and Didit bid on Gawker.com (the domain was still in the bankruptcy) with the intent to pivot the defunct website into Gawker for Good (Ad Age article). In the final Gawker.com bankruptcy auction, Didit loses Gawker.com to Bryan Goldberg at Bustle (BDG).

2019 Giving Forward Founded: Kevin Lee teams up with the founding Board of Directors to start Giving Forward, a nonprofit to deploy the cause marketing powered publishing business model in a non-profit publisher scenario. The mission to create programs and technology platforms which: generate social impact through marketing, advertising, publishing, events or commerce. Revenue is derived largely from advertising, the monetization of time and attention of consumers engaged in the consumption of great, fun and informative content. Another way of thinking about it is that consumers (a silly marketing term) “volunteer” their time and attention, generating ad revenue which is shared with other nonprofits.

The following Giving Forward initiatives are in simultaneous launch in 2021

Cause Marketing Powered Publishing

Cause Marketing Powered Events (virtual)

Cause Marketing NFTs (in collaboration with NFT.NYC

Volunteer Marketplace (think of it as Fiverr, where the volunteer picks a nonprofit to get 70% of the task payment.

The development and deployment of these additional platforms will be accelerated through your DONATIONS.

We plan to launch Herald Times and shortly thereafter GoodBuzz.org as our first publications, followed by several others.

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